Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Beginners Guide to Bigger Profits

This article gives you a complete guide to currency technical analysis. We explain why it works, and show you how you can use technical analysis in the currency markets
, to make huge profits.
Many traders don’t fully understand the advantages of technical analysis - and scoff at it, saying that it can’t work.

We will however, show you how to use currency technical analysis the right way, to make big profits – so let’s get started.
What is Currency Technical Analysis?
It is simply defined as the study of price action through the use of charts - for the purpose of identifying price trends. It’s not a science, as many chartists claim - it’s an art, and it works! Why? Because technical analysis reflects human psychology. What about the supply and demand fundamentals, you may ask - well it takes them into account too.

Currency technical analysis uses the following equation:
Market Perception (trader psychology) + Fundamentals = Price Action
All currency technical analysis does, is postulate that all fundamentals are quickly reflected in price action (and in the 21st century with our advanced communications this is truer than ever) - so it simply concentrates on price action. It really is that simple!
Price action reflects all the fundamentals, and more importantly, how the participants perceive them.

Traders who study fundamentals claim that you can’t use technical analysis - because you need to know and study the fundamentals, to know where prices are going - this is simply not true! Some of the largest price moves in history, have occurred with little or no change in the fundamentals.

It’s a fact that markets are generally most bullish at market tops and most bearish at market bottoms - and these markets occurred with little or no change in the fundamentals. Human psychology was at work here - and currency technical analysis studies this, as well as fundamentals.
Learn to use technical analysis, and you will see the reality as it is - rather than listening to the opinions of others. Keep in mind that 90% of traders lose money - because they’re influenced by greed and fear created by the news services.
Charts allow you to see the reality - and that’s a huge advantage
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